Jun 8, 2021
In this episode we feature an opportunity to up your teaching game and it’s free! The program is called The American Association of College and University Educators) Course in Effective Teaching Practices or ACUE in which you will learn teaching techniques for face-to-face and online instruction in the following areas: Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Environment because Equity is a foundational principle of ACUE, Designing Student-Centered Courses, Promoting Active Learning, Inspiring Inquiry & Preparing Life-Long Learners. All faculty are welcome to apply for the 2021-22 ACUE cohorts!
Hear from Lisa Amos, ACUE Coordinator, and ACUE course completers, Tania Anders and Catherine McKee as they share their ACUE experiences.
Sign up: ACUE 2021-22 Faculty Application Form (deadline to apply June 21, 2021)
ACUE Coordinator, Lisa Amos: lamos1@mtsac.edu
Run Time: 39min, 15sec
To find the full transcript for this episode, click HERE