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An exploration of professional development related topics by and for faculty at Mt. San Antonio College. A frequent theme of the podcast is improving the success of students from designated campus equity populations.




Dec 14, 2021

Everyone on the Magic Mountie Team and Mt. San Antonio College thank you for being a dedicated listener and part of our community. 

The podcast will be taking a break during the holiday season and will be back with lots of compelling and informative episodes in January 2022. 

But don’t worry we have over 130 episodes...

Dec 7, 2021

Feeling inspired is unavoidable as you listen to this episode featuring the Rising Scholars program. Our host Sun Ezzell speaks with the coordinators, project experts and students who help make this program the amazing and supported experience it is. Their mission, “to ensure [students] achieve their educational goals...

Nov 30, 2021

If the subject of philosophy has ever been of interest to you or you’ve wondered what the classes and pathway of philosophy might look like, then our guest student host Tyler Cardenas sits down with his enthusiastic philosophy professors Andrea Diem and Lori Walker to expound on the many ways philosophy is not only...

Nov 16, 2021

If you’ve heard your colleagues talking about something called TILT, then this episode will share with you a little more about what it is, how it works and the impact it can have on faculty who try it, the students who experience it and even your connection with your collegues.

TILT is "The Transparency in Learning...

Nov 9, 2021

Creating success is a community effort and the same goes for students looking towards creating a plan to transfer after Mt. SAC. Listen in on what we captured from this year's Transfer Symposium as we hear from a myriad of first generational students share their own transfer stories but first, a few tips and ways we can...