Jul 19, 2022
Today’s episode features Mt. SAC students in conversation with podcast host and professor of marine geosciences and geology Tania Anders about why students take online classes – or not! Thanks for joining us to hear directly from students about how they’re navigating their educational paths. Enjoy!
Mt. SAC...
Jul 12, 2022
This conversation between our guest student host Seris Castillo and her Political Science professor Raul Madrid is candid, honest and full of good guidance. Seris shares a little of their own experience as a part of the LatinX community and being a first generational student as they explore what a career path...
Jul 5, 2022
This year the Natural Sciences Division hosted the 10th annual Mt. SAC Discovery Science Day for 5th, 6th, and 7th graders and their parents. In this episode, podcast host Tania Anders talks with biology professor Dr. Cindy Shannon about Science Discovery Day, sparking a love of math and science in children, and the...