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An exploration of professional development related topics by and for faculty at Mt. San Antonio College. A frequent theme of the podcast is improving the success of students from designated campus equity populations.




Aug 27, 2019

Guest keynote Kevin Walsh amazingly breaks down situations we encounter in all parts of our lives on and off campus and offers techniques to grow our emotional intelligence and in turn foster a growth mindset overall. I think you’ll really enjoy this special CPD Day episode to kick off Fall semester 2019. 

Run Time:...

Aug 14, 2019

From all of as at The Magic Mountie Podcast, whether you have been in an episode or two of the podcast or if you have dedicatedly listened, we want to THANK YOU!

We will be taking a short break, returning on August 27th with brand new episodes! Now is a great time to catch up on any that you may have missed!

And in this...

Aug 13, 2019

We're back with our final episode in our summer mini-series featuring favorite nature spots on campus. We'll go barefoot in the grass and join Yolanda Haro from POD under her favorite tree on campus.

In this episode, Yolanda shares a childhood memory of spending time in nature with her grandfather--as well as how...

Aug 6, 2019

We're back with another episode in our summer mini-series about favorite nature spots on campus. In this episode, we'll go birdwatching with Jared Burton from the Library and learn more about the flora and fauna at Mt. SAC.
We'll also have a chance to think about how the natural environment on campus is meaningful for...